The vast majority of women in America will experience a urinary tract infection at some point in their life. This type of infection occurs when bacteria enters the urethra and begins to grow. Sometimes, the infection spreads to the kidneys or bladder.
The most prominent symptom associated with urinary tract infections is painful urination. It will hurt to pee, and you may even develop a fever. Additionally, urinary tract infections commonly come alongside yeast infections and other issues.
- There are a lot of reasons why it's not a good idea to put a baby to bed with a bottle. A baby can get accidentally aspirate the liquid into their lungs when they attempt to drink from the bottle while lying flat. Drinking a bottle in the bed also increases the chances that your baby will get an ear infection. It also puts your baby at risk for developing what's known as baby bottle tooth decay.
- Losing a leg is both life changing and emotional. It is normal for you to feel anxious as you start the journey of being fit for a prosthetic leg. After you are fit for your new prosthetic leg, it is almost as if you will take a trip back in time where you must learn how to walk all over again. This is why it is extremely common for you to be referred to a physical therapist who works with you as you learn how to use your new leg.
- If you find yourself frequently taking antacids after a meal to relieve yourself of a heartburn, it's time to see your family physician to rule out a hiatal hernia. This is a condition that forces part of your stomach up through a tear in your diaphragm, pinching off that part of your stomach. The pain that follows resembles heartburn. Antacids reduce the pain but don't correct the situation. Here is what you need to know about hiatal hernias and how they are treated.
- Your smile is one of the first things other people notice about you, but it's also one of the first things you notice about yourself. Consequently, having a healthy and beautiful smile is a goal of many. A smile enhancement from a cosmetic dentist is something that can help you accomplish this goal. The beautiful smile you gain from your smile enhancement will make you more likely to smile, which can afford you a number of benefits.