Carpal tunnel syndrome can be caused by numerous factors, but is often triggered by behaviors that cause increased pressure on the median nerve and the carpal tendons. The syndrome is more common in women, and symptoms are often first noticed in the dominant hand. Individuals with carpal tunnel syndrome may experience numbness, tingling, or shooting pain. Eventually, the condition can become disabling, so take the symptoms seriously.
If you frequently use a computer during the day and want to avoid the possibility of developing carpal tunnel syndrome, consider modifying your behavior in the following ways:
- Gestational diabetes is a type of diabetes that shows up during pregnancy, and typically goes away shortly after giving birth. Not all women who get pregnant will get this type of diabetes, however the Centers for Disease Control reported that approximately 9.2 percent of women experience it. It is only called gestational diabetes when the woman did not have type 1 or type 2 diabetes prior to pregnancy. It happens when her blood glucose level is high due to the hormonal changes of pregnancy.