As a new nurse, you know there will be things you need to adapt to. One thing you may not expect, however, is how difficult it can be to buy scrubs. There are more varieties available than most people realize. If you are a new nurse who is about to buy scrubs, here are some tips to help guide you.
1. Stay away from the bright, crazy colors at first.
- Those with osteoporosis can fracture bones easily from a bump or fall, and due to the fragile condition of the bones in these patients, surgery is often required to help a fracture heal and prevent further trauma to the bone and surrounding tissue. Common areas of the body for osteoporosis patients to experience a bone fracture include the spine and hip, so here's an overview of the surgical options for fractures in those parts of the body:
- One of the most difficult things a parent or guardian must do is to sign off on hospice care for their young child when a cure is no longer possible. Palliative care, or care that keeps them comfortable until death, can last hours or it can last weeks. It most certainly takes an extraordinary amount of courage. Making the Decision Children don't have the capacity to create advance directives so their parents or guardians must make the decision to enter hospice care for them.
- Many people don't love the thought of having to go to therapy. They may feel uncomfortable about the process or may feel that their issues are beyond repair. However, therapy can be a valuable tool to take control over your life and make positive changes so that you're happier and healthier. If you're struggling as a family unit, you may want to consider attending family therapy. This is a good way for you all to work together to make positive changes.
- If you are having issues in your marriage and you feel a lack of physical intimacy is causing those issues, or that the issues are causing a lack of physical intimacy, then you need to figure out which it is and work on all contributing factors with your spouse. A relationship in which there is no physical intimacy might be merely a friendship. If you are in a marriage in which both of you are completely comfortable with the lack of physical intimacy, then you have nothing to worry about.