The Role Of Physical Therapy In Managing Herniated Discs

Physical therapy is an important part of managing herniated discs. It can help reduce pain, improve movement and mobility, and prevent any additional damage to the disc. Physical therapy can also help strengthen the core muscles to provide stability and support for the spine.

Are you thinking about getting help for your herniated disc? Here's what you need to know about physical therapy for herniated discs.

What Is Physical Therapy?

Physical therapy is a form of rehabilitative healthcare that uses various techniques to help patients recover from medical conditions such as herniated discs. Physical therapists use exercises, stretching, massage, and other methods to help reduce pain, restore mobility, and improve overall function.

How Does Physical Therapy Impact Herniated Discs?

Physical therapy can help manage the pain of a herniated disc and reduce inflammation. Physical therapists work with patients to create individualized treatment plans that address the specific needs of each patient.

Exercises and stretches can help strengthen the core muscles, improve posture, and promote better spinal alignment. This can help reduce pain and improve overall function. Strengthening the core muscles can also provide stability and support for the spine.

How Do Herniated Discs Respond to Manual Therapy?

Manual therapy is a type of physical therapy that uses hands-on techniques to manipulate the body. This can help reduce pain and improve mobility in the upper or lower back. Manual therapy techniques such as joint mobilization, deep tissue massage, and soft tissue manipulation can help reduce inflammation and improve the range of motion.

What Other Treatments Are Used Alongside Physical Therapy?

Physical therapy is often used in conjunction with other treatments such as medications, injections, and surgeries. You might consider talking to your doctor or physical therapist about what other treatments might be most beneficial for your individual needs.

Can Physical Therapy Offer Long-Term Maintenance & Prevention?

Yes. Physical therapy can provide long-term maintenance and prevention for herniated discs. Regular exercise, stretching, and other self-care measures can help maintain and improve spinal health. Working with a physical therapist to create an individualized program that meets your needs can ensure you are getting the best possible care.

Get Physical Therapy to See For Yourself

For those living with a herniated disc, physical therapy can be an effective form of treatment. It can help reduce pain and allow you to live your life as you see fit. Talk to your doctor or physical therapist about what physical therapy can do for you.

For more information, contact a company like New York Center for Spinal Disorders.

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